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Online Beginners Nature Journaling Workshop

Price $40 – $70 AUD Get tickets

Event description

Event Description

This is an online introduction to nature journaling session, including a guided nature-based mindfulness practice.

What happens during our session?

Suitable for complete beginners, this two-hour session is designed to be present and mindful, starting with a guided sensory exploration. Kathleen will share ideas and suggestions, examples and templates, so you can create your own nature journal page. Some simple introductory exercises will get us started and then you can select exactly what you would like to do. If you prefer, your guide can always offer suggestions for you to consider.

Who is this session for?

This session is for you if you are interested in an introduction to nature journaling, wanting to explore nature or are interested in ways of being more mindful in your day without sitting completely still. At the end of the session, you can expect to feel more connected to nature and yourself, feel more creative and to have some introductory skills to explore different ways of nature journaling. You will have completed up to two nature journal pages from the session, and new skills to be more mindful during your day.

No experience is necessary. Even if you think you are not artistic or creative, this session is for you and you are very welcome.

What supplies are needed?

The session is suitable for complete beginners, so please, no need to purchase anything extra. For the session, please have ready:

  • Something to write and draw with and paper to draw on - a grey lead pencil or a pen, plus some A4 paper is absolutely perfect.
  • The paper can be lined or unlined, up to you. A few pages will be needed.
  • If you already have art supplies, such as coloured pencils or paints, then you can use those too if you like.

  • Two or three of nature’s treasures – a leaf, a stone, a flower, a feather – anything that has caught your eye and preferably collected from the ground and not pulled from living plants. There may be a gum nut, a pine cone, an acorn, or even something you don't know the name of! You could also use a pot plant, a piece of fruit or a vegetable, a fresh herb or even what is usually considered a weed. Or you could even include a photo of something. But a few items that you can hold in your hand or have near where you will be during the session.
  • Additional items - not compulsory at all - but if you already have - a ruler and a magnifying glass.
  • Depending on the weather at your location during the session, there may be some time to go outside and find something to journal, for example, a tree or shrub in your backyard. However, please bring a few nature items along (as above) to the session.
  • At the end, you can choose to share or not to share your pages with the group.

About your guide

Dr Kathleen Bagot is the founder of Nothing Like Nature. With a PhD in Environmental Psychology, Kathleen understands how our environments affect the way we think, feel and behave. She specialises in the benefits of time in nature, for adults and children. Kathleen is also a certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide (trained with the Institute of Forest Therapy, certified by the International Nature and Forest Therapy Alliance; INFTA) and a Parks Victoria Licenced Tour Operator. She can guide you on a forest therapy walk or nature immersion, where you will experience the benefits of spending time in nature mindfully.

Bookings are essential as spaces are limited. The link will be provided a day before the event.

For our full Terms and Conditions, or for more details, see our Useful Information and FAQs on our website or get in touch with Kathleen (email -

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