Rescheduled - February 2025 Field Day with BMV @ Slate Creek
Event description
Dear Biodiversiteers,
Greetings, and welcome to yet another in our long running ‘New Year’ series, where we put last year in the bin and start all over again. Again. And what a New Year it’s been so far! I’m not sure why, but that’s what Fatbook is telling me so it must be true. Although I may just be holding my phone upside down…
But I do know all about the surge of biodiversifying that is underway across the entire Willunga Basin as we weed our way to a weedless nirvana where we can all live happily ever after. Eventually.
This month we are opening a Brand New Front in our War on Weeds, and it is so exciting that I’m very excited. Again. You may have heard that we have a plan to clean up the whole of Maslin Creek, from the Golf Course to the Gulf, via Gavin’s Swamp. If you haven’t heard about our plan before, well you have now. It’s a cracker.
To kick this year’s festivities off, we’re going to Slate Creek, which is the name of John & Di Harvey’s section of Maslin Creek as it runs through their property in Willunga, right opposite the High School. John & Di will be well known to many of you, including Jock, as they have been BMV stalwarts for many years. And now they’ve decided that it’s time to clean up their own scene, so they’ve signed up as Planting Partners and we’ll be making repeat visits here, weeding and planting, until shortly after our new submarines arrive.
Welcome aboard John & Di and may all yore weeds whither!
So, Biodiversiteers, it’s Sunday February 2 at Slate Creek, 89 Main Rd, Willunga, for a burst of staring down ash trees along the banks of the burbling brook that is Maslin Creek before it is sucked dry by all the dams downstream. We’ll be working from the southern end, gradually heading downstream over time until we get to Little Road.
Start time is 9.00 bells. We’ll decimate all ash trees in the immediate landscape until 11.00 bells, when we’ll stop under the shade of an old gum tree and marvel at everything. Again.
I reckon the best place to park will be near the Vet’s Clinic on Main Rd. Then it’s a gentle 100 metre stroll along the Shiraz Trail till you get to the creek crossing where, on your right, you will observe all that’s happening, including Gary unleashing the trailer and Wayne firing up the drills.
You can wear whatever you like but just make sure that it’s sensible and suitable. Please. Thank you. And perhaps include a hat. And a pair of shoes. And a shirt. And some pants.
It’s exciting to be working on a new site, and to have it be part of a Grand Plan. So don’t miss this opportunity to feel better about yourself, which you most assuredly will by the time we’re done.
If you want us to save you a snag for the after-party, or a cauliflower ear, don’t forget to register by clicking on the magic button below.
See you there. I can’t Harveyly wait!
Geoff H
PS It’s only 333 sleeps till Xmas….
Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity