
Event: Sacred Journey within Oneself and within Ourearth

General information

Contact name

Megan Standring or Stella Janouris

Contact number

0447711230 or 0402051216

Travel instructions

Further directions details will come in a future email

Entry instructions

As mentioned there is limited carparking on site. We encourage you to carpool. When entering the property you will be met by a parking attendant, who will show you where to park. Please ensure you have your ticket visible by phone or printed. Ensure you collect your wrist band from one of the parking attendants.

After entry instructions

You will be directed where to go once parked.


The property is a 10 acre farm. With a distance to go to get to the venue space. The terrain is a gravel driveway and grass.

Toilet location

There will be porta loos

Accessible parking

There will be limited parking- if this fills up quickly further parking options will be available. Further carparking will be addressed in a future email.