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Silent Solitude | Reset and Manifest

Price $38 NZD + BF Get tickets

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Starting your day with a positive and mindful routine can set a healthy tone for your mental well-being throughout the day.
Studies show your first actions and thoughts in the morning impact how you perform throughout the day and beyond. 

Silent solitude - A crystal sound therapy sound immersion which has been created for you to really prioritise your mental wellbeing and also create space within to align deeply with your manifestations to allow the space for them to awaken. This event is for everyone no matter if you've experienced sound & energy work previously or not.

This space is lovingly held with years of experience by Sharnelle Lewis from Love You Healing using her experience as a Reiki Master, Multi Instrument Sound Therapist and Transformational Healer.

Limited spaces available keeping this space very small and intimate for your benefit.

Once you've purchased your ticket 

The first step,

Set your alarm May 3rd with intention that you're taking action on your desires and you're choosing this for you. This can help you focus on your priorities and approach the day with purpose.

The second step, 

Wake up May 4th to your alarm and be very mindful. This can help calm your mind, reduce stress, and increase focus for the day ahead.
Don't reach for your phone to scroll, what you consume first thing in the morning creates reality throughout your day. 

The third step, 

Take a moment to breathe in gratitude. This can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of relaxation.
Celebrate you are up and you are doing this for you and anyone else that benefits. Affirmations can help challenge negative thoughts and boost self-confidence.

The fourth step, 

After you've looked at your beautiful self in the mirror, sent yourself some love and got dressed for your day. Hop in the car, making sure the radio is off. 
If you can speak to no one and keep your mind and heart open to new possibilities, let's do it! 
Lets go and make your way to Gaia Wellness and Recovery in Pāpāmoa.

The fifth step, 

Arrive at Gaia, join Sharnelle and the amazing souls like you up stairs, find your mat and RECIEVE new codes, new activations and DREAM as big as your hearts content. 
You will naturally be using the high vibrational sound waves to fill your mind, body and soul to shift anything that is no longer serving you and awaken more space for creativity and heart aligned actions to take place in the future. 

What to bring: 

  • Come as you are, you may want to dress for success, you may want to dress for pure comfort. Everyone is welcome in any way.
  • A water bottle - feel free to bring to the front of the class for Sharnelle to add some high vibe Reiki to your water.
  • Socks, Pillow + Blanket - anything to allow your space to feel comfortable. 
  • A journal + Pen if you wish to write down any insights that drop in along the way.
  • A smile - you're showing up for you. Maybe this is the first step, celebrate it!! 

Meet Sharnelle from Love You Healing - Hey beautiful soul, I'm Sharnelle and I honestly love to be a hype Queen - the friend who's there to support anyone in fulfilling their dreams. I am the friend who'll listens without judgment share thought when they're invited but will ask questions to help you see your own resolutions.
I love to bring light when you feel stuck.
I'm here to guide and support, always. Sharing modalities such as Breathwork, Sound Therapy, Reiki, Coaching and Transformational Healing as they have created the most life changing expansion in my life and I feel honoured to share them with you to allow some beautiful loving shifts to take place.

Crystal Sound Bowls. 
Also known as crystal singing bowls or crystal bowls, are often used in sound healing practices. Here are some of the benefits associated with using crystal sound bowls:

  1. Deep Relaxation: The soothing tones produced by crystal bowls can induce a state of deep relaxation, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and tension in the body and mind.
  2. Meditation Aid: Many people use crystal sound bowls as a tool for meditation. The resonant vibrations of the bowls can help quiet the mind and facilitate a deeper meditation experience.
  3. Chakra Balancing: Crystal bowls are often associated with the chakra system in traditional Eastern medicine. Each bowl is believed to correspond to a specific chakra, and the vibrations produced by the bowls are thought to help balance and align these energy centers.
  4. Sound Therapy: Sound therapy, including the use of crystal bowls, is believed to have therapeutic effects on the body and mind. The vibrations produced by the bowls can help stimulate the body's natural healing processes and promote overall well-being.
  5. Improved Sleep: Listening to the gentle sounds of crystal bowls before bed or during relaxation practices may help improve sleep quality by calming the nervous system and promoting a sense of tranquility.
  6. Enhanced Mood: Many people report feeling uplifted and rejuvenated after listening to the sound of crystal bowls. The harmonious tones can elevate mood and promote a sense of inner peace and contentment.
  7. Creativity and Focus: Some individuals find that listening to crystal sound bowls enhances their creativity and focus. The calming effects of the sound can help clear mental clutter and improve concentration.
  8. Physical Healing: While scientific research on the specific health benefits of crystal sound bowls is limited, proponents suggest that the vibrations produced by the bowls may have a positive impact on physical health by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and supporting the body's natural healing processes.

It's important to note that individual experiences with crystal sound bowls may vary, and they are not a substitute for medical treatment or professional therapy. If you're interested in exploring the benefits of crystal sound bowls, consider seeking guidance from a qualified sound healer or therapist.

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