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    Slow Myofascial Flow & Yin with Cello

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    Event description

    Paola Raffinetti is inviting you to a Slow Myofascial Flow & Yin Masterclass with a live cellist to rediscover a place of ease and equilibrium within.

    We lay the foundations with a slow and deliberately paced Slings Myofascial Training flow. The sequence employs leisurely undulating movements to uncoil, rebalance, enhance tissue nourishment, glide and connection within the fascia and muscles. With special focus on regulating the nervous system we can imbue a sense of all-embracing inner health and vitality. 

    The class naturally winds down into Yin melting poses held for extended periods of time ranging from 3-5 minutes, targeting the myofascial slings of the body. Aided by Rachel’s warm and resonant sounds on the cello, we unfurl and rediscover a sense of ease, deep relaxation and tranquility.  Both the music and the specific poses encourages a place of deeply felt rest.

    With a clear internal sense of well-being at the end, these 2 hours will move you in ways that is joyous (yes, movement IS joyous if you let it), playful, calming, unwinding and meditative. The aim is to encourage a new found internal equilibrium. 

    Do join Rachel and I for this masterclass creation.

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