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Smartphones and Computers - Next Steps (Term 2 2024)

Price $30 – $55 AUD Get tickets

Event description

Smartphones and Computers - Next Steps

Build on the basic skills acquired in Smartphones and Devices - The Basics.

You will extend your understanding of technology, the use of digital devices, their functionality, and the ways you can use these devices to connect with others on a variety of platforms and access services over the internet.

The topics covered include:

  1. getting started
  2. building email skills
  3. creating in Word
  4. finding information online
  5. being social
  6. managing information
  7. connecting to devices
  8. day to day technology
  9. being safe and secure
  10. new online experiences

Plus additional and separate activities on PowerPoint.

Commences: Wednesday 24 April 9:30am to 12:30pm (9 weeks - 24/4, 1/5, 8/5, 15/5, 22/5, 29/5, 5/6, 12/6, 19/6) 

Cost (Full Fee) ACFE Subsidy Fee of $30.00 plus $10.00 administration fee plus $15.00 materials fee = Total Cost per person $55.00

Cost (Concession) ACFE Subsidy Fee of $5.00 plus $10.00 administration fee plus $15.00 materials fee = Total Cost per person $30.00

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Refund policy

Refunds are available with a medical certificate or if we have to cancel the class.