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The Art of Confident Leadership

Price $367 AUD Get tickets

Event description

Confident leadership, when it's done right, creates a workplace where communication is clear, people feel respected and as a result, choose to become accountable for the impact they have on their team and their productivity. 

The one thing that underpins it all is a leader's ability to manage their own emotions and the way they respond to challenging people and situations. 

This training will teach you how to become a confident, respected leader, and an empowering driver of success, for yourself, your team and your organisation.



- Why we choose to stay safe instead of being seen and the impact this has on productivity, trust and culture. 

- The roles we adopt that make us choose “nice” over “necessary” communication, and how this is interpreted by our teams.

- Getting clear on how being assertive differs from being aggressive.

- Identifying the values, behaviour and skill-deficits that are preventing us from being confident leaders and the impact this is having on us and our team. 


- From reactive to proactive.

- How to effectively manage and respond to staff who push back.

- The three questions that rapidly inspire self-accountability and how to use them.

- How to replace harmful subjective assumptions, with helpful, objective reality.


Identifying the values, behaviour and skills that we will be demonstrating as confident leaders. 

- Reflecting on key learnings and the steps we will be taking to align with our new, confident leadership.

- Identifying potential challenges and the actions that will help us manage them.

- Q&A and group-led mastermind session


- One-hour session, for each participant to further unpack learnings and embed new learnings (15-30 Days after training, via Teams or Zoom, booked before leaving training).  

This training is limited to 12 participants and includes:

- All materials

- Refreshments and lunch (in accordance with dietary requirements)

- Workbook 

- Accountability tasking

- Follow-up support

Please email Leanne Shaw to purchase places via tax invoice rather than via this portal, or to discuss having this training delivered exclusively for your team or delivered as a 1:1 (or small group) coaching program. 

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