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Women 4 STEM: WorkWell Respect Network Application

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In 2022, the Victorian Government took action based on the 13 recommendations from the Ministerial Taskforce on Workplace Sexual Harassment. WorkSafe Victoria is leading the implementation to address and prevent gendered violence in the workplace, including expanding the WorkWell Respect Network.

About the WorkWell Respect Network

The WorkWell Respect Network (WWRN) helps workplaces build a safer environment for all employees. Considering the needs of workers with intersectional identities, the WWRN supports workplaces in their ability to prevent and respond to gendered violence.

The WWRN is made up of three industry partners, content matter experts and design experts. Supported by WorkSafe Victoria, and the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre at Victorian University, the WWRN industry partners host sub-network forums that represent their specific industries as well as working together to create cross industry forums.

What's included?
  • Cost: The WorkWell Respect Network (WWRN) program is free for your organisation, supported by WorkSafe Victoria.
  • Adaptable Tools and Templates: Led by subject matter experts, you can customise templates and tools to align with your existing processes. These resources help address, respond to, and report on workplace gendered violence. Additionally, participants gain exclusive access to a learning platform where they can download these materials after attending the forums.
  • Networking Opportunities: WWRN offers industry forums, allowing you to connect with colleagues and other leaders. These forums provide a space to discuss the unique challenges related to technology and workplace safety.

Program timeline
  • WWRN Program Launch: 24 July 2024
  • Women 4 STEM Industry Forum 1: 01 Aug 2024
  • Women 4 STEM Industry Forum 2: 12 Sept 2024
  • Women 4 STEM Industry Forum 3: 14 Nov 2024
  • Cross Industry Forum: 03 Oct 2024
  • WWRN End of Program Event: TBC Q1 2025

Note - All forums will be 2 hours, primarily after business hours.

Selection Criteria For Applicants

WWRN is designed for 2-4 individuals per organisation who can foster discussion and influence change within their workplaces in the Technology sector. You can be in a tech team or technical role, you can be in a non-tech role within a tech organisation, or even a leader in the tech talent acquisition space. All who make an impact to the tech industry. We’re seeking leaders who: 

🌟 Manage direct reports - incl. Line Managers, Team Leads, Heads of
🌟 Provide employee support - incl. HR, People Ops, People & Culture, DEI

WWRN's Industry Partners

WWRN's objectives are to:
  • Influence workplace leaders to address the cultural and systemic factors that contribute to work-related gendered violence, including sexual harassment, in their organisations or industries.
  • Foster industry-wide discussions to encourage innovative and best-practice approaches for preventing and responding to work-related gendered violence, including sexual harassment.
  • Increase awareness and understanding of work-related gendered violence, including sexual harassment, as an occupational health and safety issue.
  • Ensure that workplaces are knowledgeable about and committed to fulfilling their responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act in preventing and handling work-related gendered violence, including sexual harassment.

Photo Consent

Please be aware that Women 4 STEM industry forums are filmed and photographed for public release and that you are agreeing to be captured by our media team. If you prefer not to be captured in any filming or photography, please let us know upon arrival to the events.

    Thank you for your interest and commitment to fostering a safe work environment.

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