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Working Well Forum: A Free Professional Development event for Safety, Human Resources and Workplace Wellbeing Specialists

Menzies Institute for Medical Research, Lecture Theatre 1
hobart, australia
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Working Well Forum: Free Professional Development Event for Safety, Human Resources and Workplace Wellbeing Specialists.

  • Hear from experts on workplace mental health and psychosocial safety. 
  • Ask your burning questions.
  • Consider how you can add your voice to the development of a Tasmanian framework for Mentally healthy workplaces by participating in the Working Well Study.

The Working Well Forum is hosted by the Working Well study team from Menzies Institute for Medical Research: Professor Angela Martin, Dr Larissa Bartlett and Dr Kelly Broughton. The forum will start with an update on theWorking Well Study, followed by informative talks from two internationally renowned experts - Professor Tony LaMontagne of Deakin University, and Peter Kelly of UK-based advisory firm, Being Real. The afternoon will conclude with a comprehensive discussion, with the opportunity for input and questions from attendees.

    Emerging issues in workplace mental health: Work-related suicide

    Speaking to his recent publication, Professor LaMontagne will outline how prevailing practice in workplace suicide prevention overly emphasises individual- and illness-directed interventions, with little attention directed to working conditions that may increase suicide-risk. He argues that stronger emphasis on improving working conditions will be required for workplace suicide prevention to reach its full preventive potential.

    The evolution and revolution of work pressure: A regulator’s journey.

    A senior psychologist with the UK HSE for 24 years, Peter Kelly willspeak on the evolution and revolution of work pressure, from theperspective of a regulator. Peter believes psychosocial hazards havebecome the biggest threat to the world at work, and that we are onthe edge of the biggest global occupational health crisis in work inthe last 50 years.

    This is a FREE workshop hosted by the Working Well team.We recommend you book to secure your seat.

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    Menzies Institute for Medical Research, Lecture Theatre 1
    hobart, australia