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The Eldership Retreat: Developing Your Eldership Niche

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Are you ready to step more deeply into Eldership?

Do you want to find your unique niche?

Would you like to come together in person, in a safe, caring community to share and learn with others who share your Vision?

This is a rare opprotunity for a small group of people from our Elder's Community to come together in person with me, to spend over two days looking at your own Eldership Journey and exploring in more depth your unique Eldership Niche...

Why an Inperson Elderhship Retreat?

As we approach midlife we often struggle with our sense of identity and as we face older age, our diminishing sense of agency.
This is because, particulalry in our Western world, growing older is linked to a belief that we no longer having anything to 'contribute' to (our increasingly consumer) Society.

This can then make us (wrongly) believe that as we get older we lack power and agency.

Our previous identities have been enshrined in ‘labels’ which are often associated with the roles we've held in the systems we've belonged to such as CEO, Director, Manager, Consultant, Coach,Therapist etc

We've even been constrained by the roles we've inhabited in our families such as wife, husband, mother, father, son, daughter, sister, brother and as we enter midlife this can also include 'carer'...

But when we step into becoming an Elder, it involves walking a different path.

Eldership isn't about how old you are.

Eldership is a (missing) 'function' in our (Western) Society and to fully embody this role you will need to deeply understand how you will serve the community(s) that you'll 'Elder', whether that's organisations, social groups or your own family.

Like all Life Stages, Eldership involves a 'Rite of Passage'. But this isn't about attending a learning programme or a series of workshops... Or even a Retreat...

It's about learning the path of Eldership through being in Community.

It's about committing to the 'Call' and 

It's about saying "Yes" to the Soul Journey.

To step onto the path of Eldership first you'll need to explore what your unique eldership niche is.That is:

  • Who are the people YOU (want to) work with?
  • Who and what do you want to be a GUIDE for? And
  • What are you a unique AUTHORITY on?

This isn’t solely based on your past work experience or your professional expertise, but the ‘patterns’ and ‘wounds’ that you intrinsically embody and inhabit through your own life’s experience and that of your Ancestral System.

And that's why I've created this special Retreat...

To create a Sacred Space for those who'd like to meet other beautiful members of the Elder's Community in person and build a safe container to explore more deeply your own path to Eldership using the Eldership Niching Model as our guide.

The Eldership Niching Model

For more details about the Retreat look here:


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